• Tinnitus

    Tinnitus (“TIN-a-tus” or “Tin-EYE-tus”) refers to “ringing in the ears” when no other sound is present. Tinnitus can sound like hissing, roaring, pulsing, whooshing, chirping, whistling, or clicking. Tinnitus can occur in one ear or both ears. Below are some commonly asked questions about tinnitus: Is tinnitus a common problem?Yes. Almost everyone at one time or

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  • Hearing Protection

    Every day, we experience sound in our environment, such as the sounds from television and radio, household appliances, and traffic. Normally, these sounds are at safe levels that don’t damage our hearing. But sounds can be harmful when they are too loud, even for a brief time, or when they are both loud and long-lasting.

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